Monday, October 14, 2013

And a Happy New Year...

The 4-H season has officially restarted! On the evening of Thursday October 10, Elite Livestock (the 4-H club we at the Coderlambian subscribe to) hosted their first 2013-2014 meeting. Whereas there are some empty seats from seniors who left, there were many familiar faces, as well as some new ones.

As you see, there are now seven Coderlambian editors. Rachel, is not planning on buying and selling a market lamb, but instead will continue to head the wool and crafts department. Expect to hear from that quarter.

This year, we hope to improve our Coderlambian staff in a couple areas. We hope to be more consistent with our market letters, improve our showmanship, and become leaders of our 4-H club. As a result, we hope that we'll be able to keep you updated on the progress of activity!

Disclaimer - for these next couple months, we can't guarantee consistent updating. Whereas the 4-H year has started, we don't really start until March/April, when we get our lambs. However, we'll find something to keep you informed!

Red - editor of the Coderlambian