Monday, September 30, 2013

Introducing the Newbies!

The long awaited post has arrived! We are here to introduce to you, potential buyers and moral supporters, the two newest "editions" :) to our Coderlambian staff!
It doesn't really matter how we introduce them - they're twins, and are consequently very similar in age, looks, likes, and dislikes -
Madeline (left) and Megan (next to left) when we were on
family vacation this year.
Madeline and Megan are 8 years old, but have been around almost since Rachel, Grace and I joined 4-H market lambs five years ago. They've helped with getting late newsletters out on time; they enjoy entering things at the Clark County Fair; they like crafts and cooking (including the consumption thereof). They are ready for their first 4-H year!

Watch out Clark County Fair! Competition's comin' (to town)!

Red: editor of the Coderlambian

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Fair in an Overview - Part Four

Sorry for not having posted for a while...but of course, you didn't expect us to on family vacation, right?

Saturday decided to crawl (in regards to time). The official start time of the Junior Livestock Auction was 11 AM, but the sheep didn't get started till mid-afternoon. Several of the Coderlambian editors (myself included) served as auction runners, running paperwork to the buyers, and back to be filed. Finally, one-by-one, our turns came. All in all, we did exceptionally well, and we'd like to thank those who bought our lambs: Riverview Community Bank (under Mr. Sheaffer), bought not one, or two, but three of the Coderlambian animals; Rene and Calvin Wigen bought one of our lambs - we'd like to especially thank Mrs. Wigen for the multiple hours she spent at our house, giving us tips on good sheep techniques. We'd like to thank Three Kings Environmental (under Mr. King), as well as Fazio Bros. Sand (under...well, guess: Mr. Fazio). These four have been very kind, generous, and supportive when we've gone to see them. (In addition, this hasn't been the first time that we've seen Mr. Sheaffer, Mr. King, and Mr. Fazio buy Coderlambian lambs...) We also had some very generous add-ons - we greatly appreciate those who gave them.

That ended Saturday. Sunday evening, there was a Quiz Bowl for the sheep barn. The Intermediate division literally rocked the show, much to the shame of the Seniors...After the Quiz Bowl and a Potluck, we returned to the sheep barn to help pick up. However, pick up was picked-up rather quickly, and as we were going to wait a while (for a complicated reason), and as it was the last night of the fair, we decided to go on rides...again. But this time, we had some help.

Pictured here are Rachel and I, a friend from the sheep barn (to
the left of Rachel), and siblings/friends (everyone else)

We had a good time, but apparently, everyone else was aware of the fact that it was the last night! We were at the rides for 2 hours at least, but only were able to get on three or four about traffic jams!

Well, next post, we'll be introducing the new editors to our group. Stay tuned!

Red: editor of the Coderlambian