Monday, June 24, 2013

Community Service

Today, the editors went to Hockinson Community Church to do some community service and thank the church for letting us use the facility.Our goal? To weed the playground.
We got to the church at about 9:05am and were there till 11:30.

When we got there, I asked our 4-H leader to take pictures of us as we worked.

At the end, there were root-beer floats for everyone. A great way to end the work session. :)

Rachel: editor of the Coderlambian

Friday, June 14, 2013

Going to Buyers - Part II

Part I has been accomplished. Then second is about to take place. Grace has a creative mind, so she heads-up the formatting of the newspaper. 

Zachary working on his newspaper.

Crafting for the newspapers.

The printing press.

Rachel: editor of The Coderlambian

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Going to Buyers - Part I

  Last night, my older brother and I made a late-night run to the store so I could start the marketing process.

My Great Aunt's Carmel Corn recipe :)
Our final product!

 Of course, clean-up is always a necessity for these projects. Some of the interns at the Coderlambian were more than willing to help.

Hopefully be seeing you soon!
Rachel: editor of The Coderlambian